Monday, September 30, 2013

Being sick and being a stay at home mom does not compute.

           Well seems as though the bug has caught up to me. However I do not have the luxury nor do I choose to let this bring me to my knees. It'll be a spoon full of coconut oil straight for antibiotic properties and to help with the aggravation in my throat. A big hit glass of green tea with some honey a cinnamon to alleviate the inflammation. A hot bath with some essential oils when the boys are down for their naps to help with my sinuses, and them some vicks and warm socks on my feet. As a stay at home mom I am the primary care giver to my kids and to me this means I can't get sick not that it won't happen but that I just can not let it define me.
            I have to say though this is where having an amazing partner comes into play. When I am down for the count and Richie is off work he helps out so much not that he doesn't when I am healthy he just does that much more when I'm not well. I know some people don't have this and I truly admire them because they are being so much more than who they are. So my question for you is what do you think of being sick and a mom, do you have any special routines to keep you on your feet? I look forward to reading your responses.

BTW here is a picture of today's mail, remember product reviews are posted on Sunday on my "Mommy Product Reviews" page.

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