Friday, September 27, 2013

Don't trust a quiet two year old.

            So me and the husband had settled down for the night watching our DVR'd shows when he told me why don't you go check on the boys. That was a really good idea because they had been quiet for a really long time. I walk back to their room to find the gate catywompus and no Dale in sight. Our bedroom door however had become closed I open the door and..... nothing no sign of him. Okay so now I am getting kind of worried I mean where else could he be?
           That's when I saw it the bathroom door open just a crack I open the door to find him sitting on the floor with my soap pump lid off and stuffing everything he can find into it. Face palm* I am floored not only did he plan a master escape but he had managed to run the whole back of the house with out either me or his father the wiser. All the while Kaid is sleeping like a baby completely unaware of his brothers Houdini act.
             Moral of the story is if the quiet sounds to good to be true it probably is.

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